
10 Reasons You Should Use Digital Signage in Your Business


Adding a new dimension to your business’ presence, visibility and brand identity, digital signs allow you to broadcast products, offers and more across a wide variety of locations.


Digital signage offers a host of benefits above that of conventional signs, such as greater flexibility, lower costs and the ability to monitor displays from a remote location – or even your phone.

By using digital signage inside – and out – of your shop/business, you can capture the attention and interest of your customers with unique designs, videos and more. By carefully using digital signage in your business, you can reap the benefits like:

  1. Lower costs and quicker turnaround than printed signs – With a digital sign, you can update the displays and content almost immediately with not additional cost, unlike printed signs.
  2. Enhanced visual spectacles – Illuminated or animated digital displays are great ways to attract customers and attention, especially if you’re displaying promotions or news.
  3. Keep up with the Joneses – In today’s busy world, marketing is quickly becoming a fight for people’s attention and what better way to do that than by making the biggest, shiniest, best displays in your shop? When it comes to digital signs, go big or go home (and screens are continuously getting cheaper by the foot, so there’s even more reason to expand).
  4. Increased advertising revenue – More digital signs mean more space to feature adverts and reap the benefits, especially if you have premises in high traffic areas like shopping centres.
  5. Engage customers at the point of sale – Just like the offers and products near supermarket tills, digital signage is a powerful way to communicate to your customers right as they are browsing and/or buying your goods.
  6. Extra ways to interact with your customers – In addition to staff at your business, digital signs can be used to promote offers, push new products and share messages directly to your customers.
  7. Complete control over your displays – With digital signage, you have complete control over what is displayed at all times. You could put on a slideshow of promotional images, play video of product demonstrations and more; the sky’s the limit!
  8. Liven up your shop – Thanks to the flexibility of digital signage, they can act as dynamic wallpaper for tour shop, changing colour, pattern and display in a heartbeat to suit the mood you’re trying to achieve. For example, try changing displays at different times of the day, or use a music visualiser linked to the songs you’re playing in the shop.
  9. Streamline the marketing process – With a specialised display, you can effectively communicate marketing messages directly to your customers and shop staff. Why not promote a temporary offer directly through the shop displays, or show your latest advert as its released?
  10. Display ANYTHING – The sky is the limit for your displays (assuming you follow the relevant copyright and fair use laws)! From news and TV channels to twitter feeds, photos and adverts, you can put everything you need on display at a moment’s notice.

While conventional signs need to be printed and installed every time you to update the information presented, digital signage can be updated near-instantly, for no additional cost.

While conventional signs are static, flat images (except for illuminated signs), digital signage can show bright lights and dynamic video.

Conventional signs cost a lot to print and install every time you want to promote a new offer, but digital signs cost pennies to run in electricity and offer almost unlimited flexibility in what you can display.

So, why haven’t you considered using digital signage in your branding and displays? If you’re uncertain of how best to implement digital signs in your business, want someone to create unique displays or need to find an affordable hardware supplier, we can help.

Cleartwo offer professional design services, high-quality hardware and bespoke support plans to ensure that you can keep up appearances, no matter your business needs. To learn more, see what we can do for you or request a meeting with one of our experienced design team, contact us today.

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