
Snapchat On Demand Geofilters


The latest update on Snapchat now allows businesses to create custom on demand filters. How will this benefit your business? Well, not only are you strengthening your brand, your adding a little fun into the personal and engaging interactivity with your customers.

So, erm… what’s a Snapchat Geofilter?

Geofilters is another layer that is added on top of your image or video. The different thing with this layer is that it will be specific to the event or location that you are situated in and can only be accessed if you are within the same geographical location.

Initially users were invited to add their own geofilters but brands were not allowed. Now that the beta-testing phase has passed, both business and regular Snapchatters can create their own overlays.

As a business, its never been a more perfect time to reinforce your brand!!

How can businesses use Geofilters? 

  • At Events – So the next time you’re at an exhibition, conference or Christmas Do, you can now widen the scope of your brand awareness. Even at a concert or festival your brand can keep its finger on the pulse.
  • Geographical Location – Giving visitors that have come to your office something to smile about. A bit of fun with with an image or video lets them know that you are so much more than just a business

So How Do I Do It?

Here are the simple steps to capital on a great marketing opportunity:

  1. Download Geofilter Templates
  2. Review the Submission Guideline which can be found here
  3. Upload your custom Geofilter – Preview
  4. Choose The Date & Time your filter goes live
  5. Set the location Geofence – The perimeter it can be accessed within
  6. Pay
  7. Review and Confirm

Snapchat custom On Demand is such a fantastic opportunity for your business to be brought to a wider audience and yet another way to keep them engaged… Have fun!!

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